talks & posters
Here is a selection of slides and posters that I have presented at conferences or seminars. Please email me if you would like the slides or notes from any talk that I haven't uploaded on this site yet.
- Minimal operations over permutation groups. PALS, Panglobal Algebra and Logic Seminar. University of Colorado (November 2024) [PDF, Video].
- When invariance implies exchangeability. Peking University Model Theory seminar. Peking (October 2024) [PDF].
- Exchangeability of Consistent Random Expansions. Midsummer combinatorial Workshop XXIX. Prague (July 2024) [PDF].
- When measures don’t care about structure (and when they do). Model Theory Seminar. University of Vienna. (April 2024) [PDF].
- Minimal operations over permutation groups. Algebra Seminar. KIAS (Korean Institute of Advanced Studies). (March 2024) [PDF].
- When measures don’t care about structure (and when they do). Logic Seminar. Yonsei University. (March 2024) [PDF].
- Measures in homogeneous 3-hypergraphs. Model Theory Workshop, Wroclaw. (September 2023) [PDF].
- Universally measure zero non-forking formulas in simple \(\omega\)-categorical Hrushovski constructions 7th French-Kazakh Colloquium in Model Theory. Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon.(November 2022) [PDF].
- When invariance implies exchangeability. CIRM, Luminy. Model Theory and Applications to Groups and Combinatorics. (September 2024)[PDF]
- Measures in ternary homogeneous structures Imperial College London, mathematics PhD Symposium. (June 2023)[PDF].
Winner of the Runner-up prize.
- Invariant Keisler measures in \(\omega\)-categorical structures UNIMOD. Leeds (July 2022)[PDF].